Interview to a real paypiggy

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  1. Gisy Scerman
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    Certe cose le avrai col tempo, certe altre non le avrai mai. - "Diaframma"

    Emiliana !

    I've already spoken HERE, citing his website , I certainly could not believe it was Italian ... and yet, here's a long interview to this moneyslave showing many details about his history ... ( click here for ITALIAN VERSION)

    The first question comes natural: How did you discovered the Findom? Could you describe your experiences with different fetishes?

    When I see a beautiful woman, the feet are the part of her body that excites me most, even more if they are covered by stockings and, why not, by a nice pair of shoes. Browsing some camsites I discovered profiles dedicated to Financial Domination and Blackmail, then I started going through that… I googled it, I found many blogs wrote by Money Mistresses. Everything was always in English and, honestly, I never tried looking for “dominazione finaziaria”, I simply looked for financial domination and so I found English results. Then I decided to try and I chose a girl that had Findom as a nickname, from that time it was impossible to stop, it became an addiction.

    Who do you think has been the best Mistress, of the girls you have met?

    I am pretty sure: OneGreatDiva is the one. She has been the first that was able to make me feel a real mental domination, she has been unique to me, the only one who made me go, physically, to a MoneyGram just to send her money. The only one who totally dominated me and the only one that is able to give me real strong sensations even today.

    So you are still fascinated by... How your relationship changed(assuming it did change) during these years? The D/s relation has always linger crucial or you got in touch and reached higher levels of frienship? Does she approve of you meeting different Money Mistresses at the same time?

    Compared to our first cam session, the relationship obviously changed. Now there is a bit of familiarity, but she never allows me to get too much in touch... she always mantains her act and pretends I fulfil my role as well. She never tries to stop me from meeting other Money Mistresses and serve them as well. I think that this is indicative of her greatness. In my opinion, the ones who believe in the “monogamy” seem to be insecure of themselves. If you are sure of your superiority, of being a goddess, why should you deny me from serving others?

    Don’t you think that often Mistresses or Money Mistresses want an exclusive relation with their slaves? Indeed often you see on slaves’ profiles sentences like “propriety of...”, etc. etc., sometimes slaves themselves want that exclusivity.

    You are probably right and it could be that sometimes it’s the slave that has this desire of an exclusive relation. But in my case this isn’t true. If I should have a monogamy with a Mistress, it will reduce my passion, it will seem like marriage, I have a wife and she is fulfils my need of that. J

    Different Money Mistresses induce different emotions. What significant differences did you find between the different girls you met? Moreover, what do they have in common?

    This is a tough question! If I consider only the ones that made me lose control I’ll say that the main difference is between the ones who maniacally take care of their body and look (during cam session I mean) and they, usually, end up speaking less (but they take my breath away indeed) and the ones that are beautiful, but rely especially on their intelligence and dominant character: they converse more, try harder to get inside your mind and probably these are the ones harder to stay away from. Then there is a third type: the ones who are friendly to you, but are still able to act dominant, they are very rare and I call them the “queen bees” because by being so normal and spontaneous, they still show their superiority and power, giving you a sensation of submission.

    What is a real money slave? And why do you think you are one?

    First, I have to say that I consider myself like an unusual money slave, one with big shortcomings. I spend my money only during cam sessions (there are different reasons and one is that doing it this way is easier to justify the bills) so I cannot think of myself as a real money slave. A real moneyslave does not care in which way he spends his money, just whom is he spending it for(his Mistress). Frankly, I do not believe that one could be a slave without having any kind of erotic feelings/attachments (I am not referring to nudity, but seduction, a gaze, anything...). I think that Findom is based on going crazy for a woman. A man, I think, gets crazy for a girl when he stops thinking with his brain and starts thinking with the other brain, the one between his legs.

    Yes but there is a big difference, for a woman, between receiving and then giving and receiving without giving anything in return.

    Probably a woman will be more gratified if the slave does something without expecting anything in return, yes… but are we sure? Seduction is not only show a part of the body or give an attractive gaze, maybe for some people a smart woman and her seductive voice are enough to make them go crazy. There definitely needs to be something, an act done by the Mistress, that attracts the slave. Otherwise It would be a kind of platonic love, wouldn’t it? J

    Do you think that falling in love with the Mistress is a real risk?

    In my case, I absolutely do not. I am already in love with my wife and I don’t think there could be another woman in the world that is able to make me fall in love again. Maybe, if someone is single and has a great desire of falling in love, yes, that someone could end up confusing passion, excitation, admiration with love. It could happen.

    Often money is used to bring womens attention and usually it works. For the same reason many slaves end up acting like money slaves to get attention even if it isn’t in their nature. What value does money have, for the Mistress? Why did you choose Findom from many other fetishes?

    Because Findom gives me the idea of being duped. There is this idea of giving money even if I don’t want to (but I know that is an illusion), if the Money Mistress is able to fool me at all, till the point of giving her my money. I well know that what happen is very different, but just thinking about it excites me. I think that I secretly don’t want to do that but I cannot resist the urge because she is so good at persuading me.

    Looking at your profile and your blog it’s evident that you participate in money slavery quite often, from your post it’s evident that you give a lot of money. You are married, the question is: do you feel guilty? If you do, is the guilt more related to your family or to yourself?

    Yes, I did, I felt very guilty for a while. That was one of the main reasons that made me open the blog: I imagined that exposing my weakness publically, would make me stop, but that did not work. I felt less guilty when I started my third job; the earnings that I have from one of these three is basically totally dedicated to Findom. Every day I work from 9am to 1am, but this allows me to provide for my family and for me to be happy and fulfill my desires. I am sure that if I quit I would be less satisfied and less happy and this, for sure, would affect me and my family/relatives negatively.
    It doesn’t mean that I’m happy when I think about it, I know that this isn’t morally correct, but the way I act doesn’t deny anything from my family so they aren’t affected by it and to me that’s very important.

    If I well understand, you practise only virtually, you adopt this way to feel less guilty or for other reasons?

    I do it virtually because it’s easier to hide it from my family (long story short) and because this reduces the troubles, economic and social ones. It would be harder to hide a Findom relationship if it were in real life, probably would be easy to reveal I’m lying if I say “I’m going to work” and then go visit my Mistress. I have to admit that the idea of serving a real woman is a thought I have very often, but every time I am too scared to go through with it.

    Which are the main parameters that make you feel weak to a dominant woman?

    For sure beauty. Beauty is the first reason that makes me approach a woman. I am not saying she must be a “Venus de Milo”, but she must have some features that draw me to her. I am not a foot fetishist, feet aren’t the only part the interests me; actually, I served Mistresses that had terrible feet. The features which could have a seductive power over me are many and it’s useless to make a li
    st. My first approach could last even two minutes (it happened) if there isn’t intelligence behind the beauty. I think I am a smart person, so I think I could never feel submissive to a woman that appears ignorant to me. Some years ago, I was serving a lady from east Europe (Romania), I saw her frequently, I was going crazy for her but, suddenly, It all changed in a day and I quit. Why? During a cam session, I told about Florence (I live nearby). She asked me, in all seriousness: “but is there anything interesting in Florence? Something interesting to see, historically speaking?” end of the story. After that blooper I closed the chat and never came back. Gives you an idea doesn’t it? J

    However, until that ice breaker you didn’t worry about her knowlege. Don’t you think that culture needs to be separated from intellegence? Some ignorance could be excused ultimately?

    Absolutely. Nevertheless, here we are speaking about mental domination and if I find myself in front of a person less educated than me, the magic suddenly ends. I’m not saying that I was right that time, probably that ignorance could be justified or, even, she didn’t even mean what I think she ment but the equilibrium in this kind of domination is very delicate, even the smallest things could ruin it for me. Maybe is a kind of defense which my brain uses, I do not even know how explain it.

    What do you think about Mistresses who decide not to expose themselves at all, I mean showing their face, saying that they prefer to show their personality and use it to attract men? Is it a bluff or could it be a reasonable decision?

    Bluff? No, I do not think so. Everyone is free to choose their way. Fakes actually show “their” faces very often, but mostly these are not their real ones! Infact, I think that it’s hard to get my attention without showing their face, but it could be different for other guys.

    What is your relation with money?

    Honestly my everyday thought is: how can I make more money? I am not greedy with people with whom I’m involved, but I admit that the fundamental importance of money is to improve my life. You could ask me: don’t you think that Findom is a way to waste it? No, I do not because Findom is an important part of my life: I have to earn more money just to be able to satisfy this need and others.

    How come you mostly frequent foreign Money Mistresses? Is this your choice or a coincidence? Some money slaves told me about the bad way Italian Money Mistress act mostly, so they serve European ones, not Americans because they told me that USA Mistresses have a very different culture from ours and it makes it difficult to develop feelings, a problem that I wouldn’t have with European dominas.

    It has been a consequence of my hanging out at cam sites that are not Italian (there is only one that is Italian). In the sites I go to there aren’t any Italian women, so I always spoke in English and that is why I found foreign dominas. I discovered Findom in Italy recently, to be honest, some years ago I thought that it it didn’t exist in my country.

    Do you think there is a different approach between American and European ladies?

    I don’t know, I never had relations with American dominas. I saw some of their twitter profiles or blogs, but I didn’t contact any of them.

    Don’t you like the idea of having a relationship with a Money Mistress that speaks your language (Italian)? One that has a social background which is close to yours, in order to have an equal exchange...? Yes, I know that with these requirements there would be less choice...

    If there are Italian dominas in the sites I attend, I will serve them, no doubts. What you said is very true: with an Italian woman, the harmony would be better, for sure, and she would have more ways to dominate me.

    Many money slaves like to go to pornstars(or famous women) to serve their needs, are you one of them? What do you think of this?

    No, I am not one of them, but I would be amazed to find a celebrity with a femdom nature: her celebrity side mixed with her dominant side, would be great, for sure.

    Are you thinking about pornstars or celebrities in general?

    The problem is that a well known pornstar probably wouldn’t be a celebrity to me since wouldn’t even be able to name any of them, I’m not interested in pornstars. I was thinking more about general celebrities(An actress for example).

    Money Mistresses are often camgirls too, this is something that many people criticize. What is the difference between a true Money Mistress and a camgirl (considered less worthy)? It is more or less the same distinction between money slaves and masturbators. People who are attracted by Findom usually have an erotic desire. So, if there is a distinction, what is it exactly?

    Eh.. You are asking a man who spends his money only during cam, what do you think my answer could be? I think that anyone who says “camgirls aren’t real Money Mistresses” has never tried one of them, simple as that. Generalizing is always wrong. Using the same way of thinking, I could say that every Mistress that is on Facebook is a desperate one, but I am sure that is not true. Being a cam girl and doing it properly isn’t simple at all. Who decides to do it and is successful at it is usually very clever, more intelligent than many “canonical” Money Mistresses. A cam girl (if she is a domina) has to fascinate the slaves mind in a short time, before he decides to skip to another room, leave and never come back. She has to discover the way to mesmerize him. It isn’t an easy work, this is the reason why I have great respect for those women, but I could say that for all women in general. You are speaking with a man that gets angry hearing the words “bitch” or “whore” because I don’t accept them. I think that a woman is a superior being and must be considered this way, she must be respected, no matter what she does for money.

    However, don’t you think that this idea of superiority of all women in general is paradoxical, I mean: if I find a person to be superior it would be for a mix of aspects that I admire that I find in that person, no matter if he is a man or a woman. Your primary sentence is a sexist one: it makes the woman seem a fetish (even if it praised her), it doesn’t consider her as a person. How could you admire the personal qualities of a single woman if you consider them all ‘superior’.

    You could be right, but I’m not speaking about admiration, I speak about respect. The fact that I consider the woman to be a superior being is true, however, this does not mean that I could be a slave to any woman, but for sure all women have my respect. The true admiration means much more for that reason: yes, I’m a slave, but not a slave to all.

    Masturbating during a cam session in front of the Mistress is accepted? Is it very respectful?

    It’s allowed only if she allows me to. She has to permit it. However, if she doesn’t, hands on the table and no discussion!

    I suppose your sexuality is closer to the D/s world than the vanilla one, how do you soddisfy your desire for D/s AND have a normal sexual relation with your partner? Do you like it or would you prefer sharing with your wife something more femdom?

    I am able to seperate these two aspect very well. I’m not able to have a D/s relation with a woman that I love or with whom I have intimacy .I have to admit that sometimes during sex with my wife I think about Money Mistresses(mostly during the orgasm) but having a femdom relation with my wife would be impossible to me (maybe because she isn’t that kind of woman at all, but if she was, probably, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with her).


    Because in everyday life I’m an extreme romantic. One who goes crazy for sweetness, who is moved by mushy words. For these reasons if my wife would act in a real dominant way I wouldn’t take her seriously, if she had shown that dominant nature before I’d have fell in love with her, we wouldn’t be together today. I don’t know... it is like asking someone if he would like to do base-jumping every day of his life or experience it only a few times, like an addition to her ordinary life.

    So it’s often all about an exchange of money (a lot) for something related to eroticism even if this erotic stuff is connected with the D/s world. Some people do Findom virtually without any exchange of money and they refers to themselves as “genuine” slaves, your opinion about this?

    I hate definitions, especially when they are used to descriminate. What do I think? Maybe they refer to themselves as “genuine” slaves because they’re scared to get involved, it’s a possibility isn’t it? I don’t know, I think that “genuine” slaves isn’t a real category(something better and more pure), it’s only a different way to live your life.

    In my opinion something erotic is necessary, a man becomes a slave to a woman when he stops thinking with his brain and start being driven by his second brain, the lower one… for that reason seduction and beauty are both required.

    You have twitted “I’m a slave, but I’m not a slave for every goddess”... it is quite self explained isn’t it?

    Yes, it is, but it’s always true, for every slave. I don’t believe the idea that a man could became slave to any Domina, it’s impossible. Have feelings is fundamental, and chemistry you can only find with some.

    Nowadays money slaves are the most valued by Mistresses: There are many wanna-be Money Mistresses that want to be found by the perfect slave, the one who changes their lives and spoils them. A question comes out spontaneously: Is the one with the the money also the one with the power? The money slaves decide which girl to spoil, and who to give their money to. How can we overcome this paradox? Who has the power, honestly?

    The power, the real power is owned by you for sure. We, the slaves, simply have a desire that in order to satisfy needs a Goddess that allows us to serve her. Yes, we are the ones who choose and it must stay this way! There is nothing more pathetic than a “dominatrix” that chats with me and says: “hi, I’m a mistress, serve me!” who are you? What do you want? Why are you looking at me? A real dominatrix doesn’t need to look for slaves, she has only to show herself and her personality and the slaves themselves will come to her.

    This is an approach that on the internet is misused by 90% of the ladies go into Findom.

    Only 90%? you should say more. Yes, it’s true, but honestly real Mistress are rare, the ones who don’t act, but are simply being themselves.

    Do you think that society had an influence on this fetish? Is it really the evolution of something that already existed? Or was it the desire to have power/money that everyone nowadays seem to have that gave life to this fetish?

    Mah... I think that it spread by internet. How could I have become aware of Findom 15 years ago? I didn’t even realize I was attracted by feet and stockings until I started surfing the web! Nowadays it’s easier to discover new things so I think that this trend is related to this new simplesness to find and experience new things. I think the trend of wanna-be Money Mistresses (girls that have nothing to do with Findom or D/s but only desire easy gain money) is related to the economic crisis.

    Do you think that the main fetish that women have is money-worshiping?

    Instinctively if I have to associate the word fetish to the word woman, I think about shoes J then, yes, you need money to buy shoes... but if you asked me the main fetishism, I will say shoes.

    I don’t think so, I think that often, maybe acting unconsciously, many girls choose shoes as a gift because they know the power of foot fetish over slaves... I don’t believe that power is only relate to shoes, but I have to admit this is a weapon of seduction, useful to complete this image of a dominant lady.

    Yes, if you are speaking about the gift that the domina choses, yes, it could be the reason, but I was speaking generally, referring to women in general. I think it’s undeniable that many women really adore shoes, yes... maybe they don’t use the word fetish to describe their passion for shoes, but the way they use that is very close to it.

    Do you think there are international sites that properly debate Findom? What do you think about “”?
    Sites that talk about findom? I don’t know, honestly I never tried any. I don’t feel the need to be a part of a community of people with my same desires. Never heard about before, I just saw it for the first time and I think that it takes the worse cam sites and tries to relate them to Findom… probably because Findom is cool nowadays.. I could be wrong, but I won’t use a site like that.
    Maybe I’m the weird one, but... really, I don’t have any need of being a part of a community... it isn’t for me at all.

    In Italy a lot of Money Mistresses seems more desperate then dominant, they act needy, bitter... looking in international sites this attitude seems to be well spread everywhere, the main difference is that abroad there are more girls to choose from so the gap between the true Mistresses and the needy ones is really obvious. Do you agree?

    <b>I think that Facebook is the right place to make a comparison. I have Italian dominas and foreign ones on facebook. I think that the situation is the same. Most of them are only needy women looking for the right piggy... these girls are the ones who contact you saying “give me your money”. Then there are exception... these ones are the true goddesses. They don’t contact anyone, but even so, they have better earnings because reading what they say you suddenly fell weak and subordinate, you want to serve them.

    What do you think about girls who define themselves bratty, spoiled,..? this kind of slang has become a standard. The same goes for words like: morons, worm, pig, pay!, these ones are usually related to slaves.

    I think that these expressions are normally used during the “game” and that is something expected by partecipants (both Mistresses and slaves), but it must not be overused. On the other hand, I hate the Mistresses that say only these words and phrases. What does tiping on facebook something like “morning worms, it’s time to spoil me!” mean? Where is the seduction? the game? the relation with the slave?

    What is seduction?

    Seduction is the “I can see and you not”, to give and to not, to say and to not, use anything that gives pleasure to the other as a weapon against him: to excite him but not too much... to give him what he likes but not at all, to bring him on the edge and to drive him wherever you want , without he could recognize what it’s happening.

    What do you suggest to a girl who would like to try Findom?

    I suggest her to read a lot, to look around and to get a sense it... then to ask herself if she is a dominant woman or not because to become a Dominatrix is impossible, you can be a Money Mistress only if you are born with a dominat nature. If you are a dominant lady (in everyday life) probably Findom will came out on its own, it will be something natural, but if you are not, if you are a weak woman, a sweet girl,you have to leave this idea... it will be better!

    Don’t you think that the awareness could be reach with time? Maybe they only need to understand who they are... to be dominant is important, but to get aware with experience is fundamental

    Yes I do, absolutely. That’s the point, that’s why you should start documenting and reading about... maybe this will give you the awareness and let you know better your nature, but you must be honest with yourself. Nowadays the 90% of Money Mistresses are girls that have read the words “financial domination”, they have seen some pics showing 50 buck donations and this has been enough to make them open a Facebook account and start saying “okay warms, who would fill my phone today?”

    I noticed that there is a tendency to look for young Money Mistresses, the age is seen as a powerful element. What do you think about? Is the age relevant?

    Really? I didn’t notice this tendency. I think that age doesn’t matter. Physical attraction is important, as I told you, so it will be difficult that I’ll be subdued by a sixty lady, but a nice woman even if she has 40/50 years, one with nice clothes and a charming attitude, I couldn’t resist for sure. For the same reasons I couldn’t resist a beautiful young lady , twenty years old, if she shows a good personality and has a way of thinking that I sympathize with.

    And... Any suggests for a new money slave?

    You should close your wallet, tide your hands and close your eyes! Hehe, no, really, I do not think I could give any advice, maybe I could suggest to do as I did: to read a lot in order to understand if your excitation increases during that reading or if you think to be a money slave only because nowadays is so cool and spread, but the truth is you are only someone who gets excited being humiliated.

    What is the main humiliation connected with Findom? I mean... Findom is often associated with other paraphilias like cuckold, sissy, foot humiliation, blackmail... there is a very little number of people who likes only Findom itself and that has no other fetishes. When you are chatting with a Findom Mistress what do you expect apart Findom itself?

    You are right, there is always something else. In my case, I like foot worship and recently I am very, very very, very attracted by blackmail. Is so electrifying the idea of a beautiful woman, who seduces me and that is able to reach some personal informations that are functional to make me obedient. Yes, that is dangerous, for sure. It’s a game which could be done only with a clever person, the Mistress should always keep in mind that a ruined slave (I mean truly socially ruined) is a lost one... any profits from him, nomore. This is the reason why blackmailing is so thrilling and dangerous at the same time, its appeal is this delicate balance itself.

    Blackmail is getting very common and team viewer is helping it to spread. Do you like to be under control? How?

    I use team viewer very often for my work, this is the reason why I gave access to my pc only two times (I was totally crazy when I did), I consider it very very extremely dangerous.
    Yes, I do, but what I like most is a Mistress ables to discover many personal informations of mine without openly asking, without I’m aware of. Blackmailing is thrilling, but it’s hard to be practise in the right way, I mean: a Mistress must not to say “ok, tell me everything about you” nor to start a list of questions, like an interview... it must be a slow but relentless discover.
    Yes I do, I like to be under control, but I admit to not have try too much, I did blackmail only a few times and during most of them I lay about what was asked to me.

    What do you think about rip-off ? And about being ignored? Is being ignored exciting? How long? Do you like if the Mistress contacts you?

    It happened to be ignored… I could be exciting if it happens now and then. I mean if I have a great desire of see my Mistress and she tells me “ok I allow you, but don’t pretend anything becauseI’m busy” that’s could be exciting. If she ignores me suddenly while we are talking or chatting, that could be annoying. Vice versa, I like the Mistress who looks for you, but she must not be obsessive. There was a lady I served only two times, then she started contacting me every day. What’s happened? I quit. That was too much, she seemed pathetic to me.

    What does a Money Mistress have to do to lose your faith?

    She has to act like a Money Mistress will not. Something that could be seen as a bad choise, for a Mistress, in the camgirl world, could be to start showing at myfreecams or at others sites like that in which models do shows in front of everyone waiting for tips. I don’t know how to describe that way of acting in general but it is essential that she doesn’t reduce her aura of superiority.

    Could you say the name of some Money Mistresses that you admire? Is there any Italian one?

    About foreign Mistresses there would be a lot and everyone has a different reason to be nominated, but, hands down, OneGreatDiva is the Money Mistress with capital M, no doubt. There is an Italian Money Mistress that I admire, but I never served her, I interact with her occasionally, I think she is exceptional, she is Jessy Princess Bernini. I never served her because I’m very scared. I think that the main reason of my fear is the fact that she lives so close to me (in the same city where I work: Florence). She is the one who I dreamed most to serve in real life.

    What do you think about who posted her earnings online? Do you think it’s exciting or do you think that only an uncool lady can do that?

    It depends on how often she does and on how much it’s showed. I saw “Mistresses” showing repeatedly again that kind of screen and pics, even if there were only 20€. I mean... if you are praising yourself for get spoiled with 20 €... what should I think? I think you are a desperate... who act this way is a needy one for sure, but I think it will be better to hide this, not to show it proudly. It will be different if you show the first payment of a new slave or the more expensive gifts.

    Name three things you hate, three you love, one desire and a phrase you would like to say to all readers. Without thinking too much...

    Three things I hate: broken stockings, baggy outfit, Italian bureaucracy, Three things I love: technology, charming outfit, sarcasm, A dream of mine: easy... to live one of my Findom fantasy in real life, without worrying about consequences What I would like to say... I don’t think I’m in the position to say anything to all, like a politician or guru... I’m just a slave as many others J

    Intervieuw by Gisy Scerman (c) translate by docPedroni

    Edited by Gisy Scerman - 20/1/2015, 09:50
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